Download games like diablo 3
Download games like diablo 3

So, to entertain you for the time being while you wait for Diablo 4 to be released, here are 20 games that you ought to try if you like Diablo 3 or the Diablo series in general. However, you don't have to be, as there are actually great alternatives out there - some of which have even captured the spirit of Diablo much better. That means you're stuck with Diablo 3 for the time being. Just kidding, but you're going to have to wait quite a while. Now, the bad news it won't be released until the sixty-sixth generation of your grandkids has been born and sacrificed to the Elder Ones. If you've been living under a rock, then we have good news for you: Blizzard has been demonstrating Diablo 4, and it's beautiful.

Download games like diablo 3